Creating a Pharmaceutical Installation Qualification

William N. Weaver, P.E.

Course Outline

This 4-hour course provides an introduction to the creation of a pharmaceutical validation Installation Qualification (protocol). The content of the protocol is explained in detail and attachments are provided for most of the normal qualification contents.

This course includes a multiple-choice quiz at the end, which is designed to enhance the understanding of the course materials.

Learning Objective

At the conclusion of this course, the engineer should be able to:

Intended Audience

Facilities engineers and management within the pharmaceutical industry.
Engineers in support functions for the pharmaceutical industry.
Individuals who must prepare, read, approve and/or execute protocols.
Engineers developing design documents for the pharmaceutical industry.


Enhanced understanding of the validation process

Opens up entry level positions for engineers considering validation as a career.

Course Content

The course content is in the following PDF files:

Creating a Pharmaceutical Installation Qualificatiomn (Course Content, Attachments A and B)

Creating a Pharmaceutical Installation Qualificatiomn (Attachments C to I)

You need to open or download above documents to study this course.


Once you finish studying the above course content, you need to take a quiz to obtain the PDH credits.

DISCLAIMER: The materials contained in the online course are not intended as a representation or warranty on the part of PDH Center or any other person/organization named herein. The materials are for general information only. They are not a substitute for competent professional advice. Application of this information to a specific project should be reviewed by a registered architect and/or professional engineer/surveyor. Anyone making use of the information set forth herein does so at their own risk and assumes any and all resulting liability arising therefrom.