Creating an Effective Project Team Performance Assessment Process

Richard Grimes, MPA, C.P.T.

Course Outline

This online course provides practical and easy-to-follow guidance for leaders who want to reduce a large part of their project administrative workload by creating an effective project team performance assessment process. Step-by-step guidance helps users develop an objective method of defining performance expectations within a performance range for each project function. The result is a system just like the report cards you received in grade school when you could always tell how you were doing in the course and did not have to wait until the end of the semester to find out if you passed or failed.

This course includes a multiple choice quiz at the end, which is designed to enhance the understanding of the course materials.

Learning Objective

Course participants will learn:

Course Introduction

Projects are typically matrix organizations consisting of team members temporarily brought together for the duration of the project. Although their department managers and, ultimately, the current project manager direct them locally at the project, they usually receive their annual performance assessments, wage increase, and promotion recommendations from their
permanent manager back at company headquarters.

Unfortunately, the distant permanent manager has not seen them perform daily and their performance assessment relies, at best, on second hand knowledge. The accuracy of this second-hand knowledge further depends on whether local management on the project has the time, method, and inclination to collect thorough documentation and forward to the permanent manager.

If the team member feels the information is not complete nor totally objective and accurate, this situation can easily become a source of poor morale and job satisfaction. Their subsequent work product is typically a direct reflection of whether they feel valued and treated fairly by the project.

Participants taking this course can defeat that problem by learning how to create an effective project team performance assessment process.

Course Content

The course content is in a MS Word file (1.14 MB) Creating an Effective Project Team Performance Assessment Process. You need to open or download this document to study this course.

Table of Content

The PM's Problem
The Opportunity for Business Performance Improvement
Course Learning Objectives
The Implication for Use by Other PM Practitioners
The Foundation of the Process

The Components of Motivation
Setting Effective Performance Goals
Setting Effective Performance Goals
The Elements of Effective Performance Goals
The Elements of Effective Performance Goals
Section Review

Goals and Tasks
Establishing Effective Performance Goals

Measuring "Hard Skills"
Section Review
Measuring "Soft Skills"
Section Review
Employees Rating Each Other: Good or Bad Idea?
Section Review
- Developing an Action Plan
Conducting The Goal-Setting Meeting
Performance or Activity?
Elements of an Effective Performance Assessment Process
1. Your Job Description
2. Written Performance Standards
3. Conducting A Goal Setting Meeting

Documentation That Satisfies The "Orp"-Person

Conduct A Performance Assessment Meeting

Applying This To A Project Environment
About Outsource LLC
Course Evaluation

Course Summary

Project team member morale, job satisfaction and subsequently, work performance, will improve if an objective, consistent, and measurable work performance assessment process is in place on a project. This allows team members to focus on task performance with confidence that accurate data will flow back to the permanent manager in the home office without regard to personalities. Also, if management changes during the life of the project, team members can remain focused on the job at hand without fear that their previous performance has been wasted and now they must start all over and get to know the new ones.

Bonus Materials

The author would like to offer his "The Volunteer Organization's Development Handbook" free of charge to users who take this course. Just download the handbook in PDF at the beginning of the quiz!

If you are part of a volunteer organization whether it is a professional engineering chapter, a youth sports league, or a booster group at your child's school, this handbook will be useful. Please feel free to share it as much as you want.


Once you finish studying the above course content, you need to take a quiz to obtain the PDH credits.

Take a Quiz

DISCLAIMER: The materials contained in the online course are not intended as a representation or warranty on the part of PDH Center or any other person/organization named herein. The materials are for general information only. They are not a substitute for competent professional advice. Application of this information to a specific project should be reviewed by a registered architect and/or professional engineer/surveyor. Anyone making use of the information set forth herein does so at their own risk and assumes any and all resulting liability arising therefrom.